This is the reference document for the REST API and resources provided by TechExcel, Inc. Test
This documents the current REST API provided by TechExcel. Inc.
Retrieve the project info based on the project name.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user |
_projectId | number | project id - provide either project id or project name |
_projectName | string | project name |
StatusCode may have different value to indicate the issue.
"ProjectId":3, "ProjectName":"Sample Work Project",
"StatusCode":0, "Message":"" }
Retrieve the project info based on the project name.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectName: 'Sample Work Project'
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"ProjectId":3, "ProjectName":"Sample Work Project",
"StatusCode":0, "Message":"" }
Reload all the settings cached in the integration server. If the project settings has been changed (for example the field names are changed), this function need to be called so that the server will reload the latest settings.
acceptable request representations:Example
token: 'abcdefghij',
projectName: 'Sample Work Project' //to provide either projectId or projectName
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Get the specified field values of some test tasks.
acceptable request representations:Example
names is an array of the field names, which are the display names of GUI fields. query is to specify the condition the returning test task need to meet.
token: 'abcd',
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //to provide either projectId or projectName
names: ['Task ID', 'Title', 'Expected Result'],
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Execution", "New Game", "NG v1.0"],//optional
templateFolderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage"],//optional
showAll: true, //optional
includeArchived: true,//optional
pageSize: 15,//optional
pageIndex: 0,//optional
getCount: false,//optional
query: [{ name: 'TaskID', op: '>', choices: [101] } //string array ]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Values":[ {"Task ID": "102", "Title": "This is Task 102", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 102"},
{"Task ID": "103", "Title": "This is Task 103", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 103"},
{"Task ID": "104", "Title": "This is Task 104", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 104"}, ... ]
Create a child test task of an automated task.
acceptable request representations:Example
environment Environment is the environment variable/value pairs. fields is an array of the field name/value pair, in which the name is the display name of the GUI fields.
token: 'abcd',
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //to provide either projectId or projectName
parentTaskId: 101,
templateId: 0,
environment: [{ 'Language': 'French'}, { 'Platform': 'Linux' }, { 'Browser': 'Netscape'}],
fields: [{ 'Title': 'This is the child Task Title' }, { 'Test Procedure': 'This is description, Second line.'}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Create a dynamic test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
environment Environment is the environment variable/value pairs. fields is an array of the field name/value pair, in which the name is the display name of the GUI fields.
token: 'abcd',
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //to provide either projectId or projectName
templateId: 1,
environment: [{ 'Language': 'French'}, { 'Platform': 'Linux' }, { 'Browser': 'Netscape'}],
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["DevTest", "Product 1", "Release 2", "Cycle 4"],
fields: [{ 'Title': 'This is the dynamic Task Title' }, { 'Test Procedure': 'This is description, Second line.'}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Create test tasks based on certain conditions.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
templateIds: [21,22,23,24],
envOptions: [{"Language":"English"}, {"Platform":"Linux"}, {"Browser":"IE"}],
folderPath: ["DevTest", "Product 1", "Release 2", "Cycle 4"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Create test tasks based on certain conditions.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
templateEnv: [
templateId: 22,
envOption: [{ "Language": "English" }, { "Platform": "Linux" }, { "Browser": "IE"}]
templateId: 23,
envOption: [{ "Platform": "Linux" }, { "Browser": "IE"}]
templateId: 24,
envOption: []
folderPath: ["DevTest", "Product 1", "Release 2", "Cycle 4"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Create new task folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
parentFolderId: 0,
parentFolderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
fields: [
{ "Folder Name": "My Folder"},
{ "Folder Description": "This is the Description"}
grouping: true,
coverageoption:0,//optional. 0 - release level; 1 - test cycle level
sparseMatrix: '"Folder ID(OrFolder Path)","Platform","Game Console"
"16","Android","Wii U"
"16","IOS","Wii U"', //matrix content//Folder Path like as\\ABC Soft Test Coverage\\Game Test Coverage\\Audio
defaultOwner: "Terry Johnson",
templateCondition: [
{ name: 'Template ID', op: '>', choices: [20] } //string array
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Edit task folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
fields: [
{ "Folder Name": "My Folder"},
{ "Folder Description": "This is the Description"}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Copy task folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio", "Test Cycle 1"],
copyToFolderId: 0,
copyToFolderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
recursive: 0
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Get the specified field values of a task folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
names: ["{Folder ID}", "Description"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Value":{"Description":"This is the description"} }
Get the folder structure of a task folder. Folder ID 0 or an empty folder path can be used for root folder. If Recursive is set to true, the function gets the entire folder structure of the target folder; otherwise it only gets its direct children folders.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
recursive: false,
includeArchived: false //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Value":{"id":6,"name":"NG v1.0","child":[{"id":7,"name":"Test Cycle 1"},{"id":8,"name":"Test Cycle 2"}]} }
Modify the task coverage.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0, //optional
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage", "Audio"],
sparseMatrix: "" //matrix content
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Set field values for the specified test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
fields is an array of the field name/value pair, in which the name is the display name of the GUI fields.
token: 'abcd',
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //to provide either projectId or projectName
testTaskId: 101,
fields: [{ 'Title': 'This is the Test Task Title 101'}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Set field values for a group of test tasks.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: [101, 102, 103],
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Task Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Delete a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 123
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Delete a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 123
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Link an existing bug with the test task issue.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 101,
dtkProjectId: 1,
dtkBugId: 1001,
linkType: "New Bug", //optional
linkDesc: "Link Description" //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Delete the link to a bug from the test task issue.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 101,
dtkProjectId: 1,
dtkBugId: 1001
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Create a note for a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 101,
noteTitle: "This is a task note",
noteDesc: "This is note desc for task"
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Delete a note for a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
testTaskId: 101,
noteTitle: "This is a task note",
noteDesc: "This is note desc for task"
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Move test task to different folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: "101, 102, 103, 104",
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Execution", "New Game", "Release 1", "TC 4"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Copy test task to specified folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: "101, 102, 103, 104",
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Execution", "New Game", "Release 1", "TC 4"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
Add attachment to a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 101,
type: 2, //file attachment
fileName: 'result.txt',
override: false, //whether to override the attachment if the same file exists in current issue. If false, alwyas create a new attachment
fileContent: 'this is the content of a file' //encoded content
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Retrieve attachment URL for a test task(template).
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 101
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Data": "http://servername/scripts/texcel/devtest/dtwutility.dll?showAttachment?#encodedstring#"
Get notes of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
[{"id":96,"projectId":3,"type":200,"title":"Note title","createdBy":"Terry Johnson","dateCreated":"13/06/2015 20:19:37","description":"Note description","attachments":[{"attachment":"SampleFile.txt"}]}],
Get notes of a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 101
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":96,"projectId":3,"type":200,"title":"Note title","createdBy":"Terry Johnson","dateCreated":"13/06/2015 20:19:37","description":"Note description","attachments":[{"attachment":"SampleFile.txt"}]}],"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get linked defects of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],
Get linked defects of a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 101
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get all links of a test task.
acceptable request representations:Example
Get all links of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"developmentLink":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],"primaryLink":[{"id":34,"projectId":10,"title":"Notification subscriptions","linkType":"Spec"}],"referentialLink":[{"id":8,"projectId":10,"title":"Creation of new route","linkType":"Spec"}]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"developmentLink":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],"primaryLink":[{"id":34,"projectId":10,"title":"Notification subscriptions","linkType":"Spec"}],"referentialLink":[{"id":8,"projectId":10,"title":"Creation of new route","linkType":"Spec"}]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get linked defects of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_fieldId | number | field Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
_fieldName | string | field name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"id":1107,"type":7,"name":"Task State","choices":["Blocked","Did not run","Fail","In progress","Pass"]},
Get field information.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
fieldId: 1107,
fieldName: '' //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"id":1107,"type":7,"name":"Task State","choices":["Blocked","Did not run","Fail","In progress","Pass"]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Make a task pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskId: 21,
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Update a task pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskId: 21,
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Template Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Publish a task pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskId: 21,
ignorePermission: 0 //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Retrieve a list of tasks with change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage"],//optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Values":[ {"Task ID": "102", "Title": "This is Task 102", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 102"},
{"Task ID": "103", "Title": "This is Task 103", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 103"},
{"Task ID": "104", "Title": "This is Task 104", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 104"}, ... ]
Publish a group of task pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: [21, 22, 23],
ignorePermission: 0 //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Get grid info of a test cycle.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: [21, 22, 23],
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Get grid update info of a test cycle.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
taskIds: [21, 22, 23],
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Lock/unlock all child folders of a task folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
folderId: 0,
isLocked: 0//1:lock;0:unlock
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Value":{"Description":"This is the description"} }
Create a new test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Client"],
ignoreAutoVersioning: 0,//optional
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Template Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Create a new test template folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"],
fields: [{ "Folder Description": "Temp Folder Created" }, { "Folder Name": "New Folder"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Get the specified field values of a template folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"],
names: ["{Folder ID}", "Folder Description"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Value":{"Description":"This is the description"} }
Get the folder structure of a task folder. Folder ID 0 or an empty folder path can be used for root folder. If Recursive is set to true, the function gets the entire folder structure of the target folder; otherwise it only gets its direct children folders.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"],
recursive: false,
includeArchived: false //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Value":{"id":6,"name":"NG v1.0","child":[{"id":7,"name":"Test Cycle 1"},{"id":8,"name":"Test Cycle 2"}]} }
Set field values for the specified test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateId: 21,
ignoreAutoVersioning: 0,//optional
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Template Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Set field values for a group of test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateIds: [21, 22, 23],
ignoreAutoVersioning: 0,//optional
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Template Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Get the specified field values of some test templates.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
names: ['Template ID', 'Title', 'Expected Result'],
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage"],//optional
showAll: true, //optional
includeArchived: true,//optional
pageSize: 10,//optional
pageIndex: 0,//optional
getCount: false,//optional
query: [{ name: 'Template ID', op: '>', choices: [20] }]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Values":[ {"Template ID": "102", "Title": "This is Template 102", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 102"},
{"Template ID": "103", "Title": "This is Template 103", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 103"},
{"Template ID": "104", "Title": "This is Template 104", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 104"}, ... ]
Delete a template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTemplateId: 28
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Delete a template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTemplateId: 28
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Create a note for a test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTemplateId: 21,
noteTitle: "This is a template note",
noteDesc: "This is note desc for template."
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":110, "Message":"The Integration Server returned failed message: invalid field name."}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Check whether a Template is applicable under a given Environment Permuation(s).
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
testTemplateId: 21,
envOption: [{ "Language": "French" }, { "Browser": "Netscape" }, { "Platform": "Linux" }, { "Browser": "IE 6.0"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":""}
Return the applicable Templates in a Template folder under a given Environment Permuation(s).
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateFolderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"],
envOption: [{ "Language": "French" }, { "Browser": "Netscape" }, { "Platform": "Linux" }, { "Browser": "IE 6.0"}],
activeOnly: false,
showAll: false, //optional
includeArchived: false //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Return the applicable Templates in Template folders each under a given Environment Permuation(s).
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
folderEnv: [
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"],
envOption: [{ "Language": "French" }, { "Browser": "Netscape" }, { "Platform": "Linux" }, { "Browser": "IE 6.0"}]
folderId: 102,
folderPath: [],
envOption: [{ "Language": "French" }, { "Browser": "Netscape" }, { "Platform": "Linux"}]
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Client"],
envOption: [{ "Language": "French" }, { "Browser": "Netscape"}]
activeOnly: false
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0,
"Data": "101,103,105||102,104"
Add attachment to a test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 1,
type: 4, //HTML path
htmlPath: ''
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Retrieve attachment URL for a test task(template).
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 3,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 101
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Data": "http://servername/scripts/texcel/devtest/dtwutility.dll?showAttachment?#encodedstring#"
Get notes of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
[{"id":96,"projectId":3,"type":200,"title":"Note title","createdBy":"Terry Johnson","dateCreated":"13/06/2015 20:19:37","description":"Note description","attachments":[{"attachment":"SampleFile.txt"}]}],
Get notes of a test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 1
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":96,"projectId":3,"type":200,"title":"Note title","createdBy":"Terry Johnson","dateCreated":"13/06/2015 20:19:37","description":"Note description","attachments":[{"attachment":"SampleFile.txt"}]}],"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get linked test tasks of a test template.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":313,"projectId":3,"title":"Log into the admin module","status":"In progress","owner":"Terry Johnson"},{"id":338,"projectId":3,"title":"Log into the admin module","status":"Pass","owner":"Pamela Miller "}],
Get linked test tasks of a test template.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
issueId: 1
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":[{"id":313,"projectId":3,"title":"Log into the admin module","status":"In progress","owner":"Terry Johnson"},{"id":338,"projectId":3,"title":"Log into the admin module","status":"Pass","owner":"Pamela Miller "}],"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get all links of a template.
acceptable request representations:Example
Get all links of a template.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_issueId | number | issue Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"developmentLink":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],"primaryLink":[{"id":34,"projectId":10,"title":"Notification subscriptions","linkType":"Spec"}],"referentialLink":[{"id":8,"projectId":10,"title":"Creation of new route","linkType":"Spec"}]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"developmentLink":[{"id":130,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - defect from DevTest","linkType":"Bug"},{"id":131,"projectId":181,"title":"Cut scene dialog - another defect","linkType":"Bug"}],"primaryLink":[{"id":34,"projectId":10,"title":"Notification subscriptions","linkType":"Spec"}],"referentialLink":[{"id":8,"projectId":10,"title":"Creation of new route","linkType":"Spec"}]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Get linked defects of a test task.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user (optional) |
_projectId | number | project Id |
_fieldId | number | field Id |
_projectName | string | project name (optional) |
_fieldName | string | field name (optional) |
StatusCode may have different value, message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"id":1008,"type":7,"name":"Template State","choices":["Approved","Draft","Pending Approval"]},
Get field information.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 1,
projectName: '', //optional
fieldId: 1008,
fieldName: '' //optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{"Data":{"id":1008,"type":7,"name":"Template State","choices":["Approved","Draft","Pending Approval"]},"StatusCode":0,"Message":""}
Make a template pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateId: 21,
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Update a template pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateId: 21,
fields: [{ "Title": "This is the Template Title"}]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Publish a template pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateId: 21,
ignorePermission: 0, //optional
ignoreAutoVersioning: 0//optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Retrieve a list of templates with change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Game Test Coverage"],//optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
"Values":[ {"Template ID": "102", "Title": "This is Template 102", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 102"},
{"Template ID": "103", "Title": "This is Template 103", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 103"},
{"Template ID": "104", "Title": "This is Template 104", "Expected Result": "Expected Result 104"}, ... ]
Publish a group of template pending change.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateIds: [21, 22, 23],
ignorePermission: 0, //optional
ignoreAutoVersioning: 0//optional
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Move test template to different folder.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
projectName: '', //optional
templateIds: "101, 102, 103, 104",
folderId: 0,
folderPath: ["ABC Soft Test Coverage", "Business Application", "Admin"]
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
This is an asynchronous call, please use the returning JobId to check the action status{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "JobId":"2ED75B7A-A36C-4dee-B46F-902E9D10B4D6" }
tag test template environment values.
acceptable request representations:Example
{ //token: token_str, //optional
projectId: 2,
templateId: "101",
envOption: [
Name: "Language",
Option:0,//all selection
Name: "Browser",
Name: "Platform",
Option:2,//Not Applicable
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
{ "StatusCode":0, "Message":"", "Data":101 }
Check status for the previous asynchronous action using the previous returned job ID.
parameter | value | description |
_token | string | to represent the calling user |
_jobId | string | a returned string from previous action |
StatusCode may have different value to indicate the issue.
Check status for the previous asynchronous action using the previous returned job ID
acceptable request representations:Example
StatusCode may have different value, Message explains possible problem occurred.
Status Code | Meaning |
0 | Successful |
100 | Please check your DevTest integration server and port are available. |
101 | Internal TCP/IP connection error. |
102 | Database exception at integration server. |
103 | The user does not have an valid account. |
104 | General exception at integration server, please check the logs. |
105 | Internal processing error at integration server. |
106 | The provided user name and password do not match. |
107 | Empty Xml Request Data. |
108 | Return invalid handle in communicating with Integration Server. |
109 | Internal Error on parsing xml result |
109 | Internal Error on parsing xml result, empty xml result. |
110 | Integration Server return Failed Message |
111 | Integration Server return invalid Xml. |
112 | Exception occurred when parsing input json data. |
113 | Timeout occurred between Integration Server and API service. |
114 | The requested item does not exist in database. |