POST api/Story/List
List stories based on a subproject id
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
StoryListBinderName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProjectId | integer |
None. |
SubProjectId | integer |
None. |
IncludeChildrenOption |
0: Don't list stories in the subproject's children. 1: List stories in the subproject's children. 2: According to the subproject, automatically decide whether list stories in the subproject's children or not. |
integer |
None. |
Keyword | string |
None. |
Condition | StoryQueryCondition |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ProjectId": 1, "SubProjectId": 2, "IncludeChildrenOption": 3, "Keyword": "sample string 4", "Condition": { "Status": [ { "Id": 1, "Option": 2 }, { "Id": 1, "Option": 2 } ], "Owner": [ { "Id": 1, "Option": 2 }, { "Id": 1, "Option": 2 } ] } }
application/xml, text/xml
<StoryListBinder xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Condition> <Owner xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:MemberIdObject> <d3p1:Id>1</d3p1:Id> <d3p1:Option>2</d3p1:Option> </d3p1:MemberIdObject> <d3p1:MemberIdObject> <d3p1:Id>1</d3p1:Id> <d3p1:Option>2</d3p1:Option> </d3p1:MemberIdObject> </Owner> <Status xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:StatusIdObject> <d3p1:Id>1</d3p1:Id> <d3p1:Option>2</d3p1:Option> </d3p1:StatusIdObject> <d3p1:StatusIdObject> <d3p1:Id>1</d3p1:Id> <d3p1:Option>2</d3p1:Option> </d3p1:StatusIdObject> </Status> </Condition> <IncludeChildrenOption>3</IncludeChildrenOption> <Keyword>sample string 4</Keyword> <ProjectId>1</ProjectId> <SubProjectId>2</SubProjectId> </StoryListBinder>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
List stories based on a subproject id
API_Data_IEnumerableOfStoryListItemName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Success | boolean |
None. |
Error | ErrorInfo |
None. |
Data | Collection of StoryListItem |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Success": true, "Error": { "ErrorCode": 1, "ErrorMessage": "sample string 1" }, "Data": [ { "StoryItemId": 1, "Title": "sample string 2", "DisplayName": "sample string 3", "ParentSubProjectId": 4, "ParentSubProjectPath": "sample string 5", "StoryType": 6, "CurrentOwnerID": 7, "CurrentStatus": 8, "CurrentOwnerName": "sample string 9", "CurrentStatusName": "sample string 10" }, { "StoryItemId": 1, "Title": "sample string 2", "DisplayName": "sample string 3", "ParentSubProjectId": 4, "ParentSubProjectPath": "sample string 5", "StoryType": 6, "CurrentOwnerID": 7, "CurrentStatus": 8, "CurrentOwnerName": "sample string 9", "CurrentStatusName": "sample string 10" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<API_Data_ArrayOfStoryListItem xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Data xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:StoryListItem> <d2p1:CurrentOwnerID>7</d2p1:CurrentOwnerID> <d2p1:CurrentOwnerName>sample string 9</d2p1:CurrentOwnerName> <d2p1:CurrentStatus>8</d2p1:CurrentStatus> <d2p1:CurrentStatusName>sample string 10</d2p1:CurrentStatusName> <d2p1:DisplayName>sample string 3</d2p1:DisplayName> <d2p1:ParentSubProjectId>4</d2p1:ParentSubProjectId> <d2p1:ParentSubProjectPath>sample string 5</d2p1:ParentSubProjectPath> <d2p1:StoryItemId>1</d2p1:StoryItemId> <d2p1:StoryType>6</d2p1:StoryType> <d2p1:Title>sample string 2</d2p1:Title> </d2p1:StoryListItem> <d2p1:StoryListItem> <d2p1:CurrentOwnerID>7</d2p1:CurrentOwnerID> <d2p1:CurrentOwnerName>sample string 9</d2p1:CurrentOwnerName> <d2p1:CurrentStatus>8</d2p1:CurrentStatus> <d2p1:CurrentStatusName>sample string 10</d2p1:CurrentStatusName> <d2p1:DisplayName>sample string 3</d2p1:DisplayName> <d2p1:ParentSubProjectId>4</d2p1:ParentSubProjectId> <d2p1:ParentSubProjectPath>sample string 5</d2p1:ParentSubProjectPath> <d2p1:StoryItemId>1</d2p1:StoryItemId> <d2p1:StoryType>6</d2p1:StoryType> <d2p1:Title>sample string 2</d2p1:Title> </d2p1:StoryListItem> </Data> <Error> <ErrorCode>1</ErrorCode> <ErrorMessage>sample string 1</ErrorMessage> </Error> <Success>true</Success> </API_Data_ArrayOfStoryListItem>