DevTrack admin will generate a token for every user, we need pass this user token to the API. We support the following:
Use URL query string to pass the token.
e.g. -
Use the Authorization header to pass the token.
e.g. Authorization: bearer 2A693723-2ACC-4493-BF9C-17FDA531643A -
User cookie named 'UserToken' to pass the token.
e.g. Cookie: UserToken=2A693723-2ACC-4493-BF9C-17FDA531643A;
We need pass language id to the API, We support English(language id is 1), Chinese(language id is 2) and Japenese(language id is 3), we support following methods to pass language id:
Use URL query string to pass language id.
e.g. -
User cookie named 'LangaugeID' to pass the token.
e.g. Cookie: UserToken=2A693723-2ACC-4493-BF9C-17FDA531643A;LanguageID=2;
API | Description |
POST api/Task/Delete |
Delete a task based on task id. |
POST api/Task/DailyFinishedWorkSummary |
Get the finished work summary of a specified day |
POST api/Task/DailyFinishedWorkSummary2 |
Get the work summary that finished and to be finished on a specified day |
POST api/Task/AssignSpec |
Assign a spec issue to development |
POST api/Task/QuickAssignSpec |
Assign a spec to development with quick mode |
POST api/Task/GroupUpdate |
Batch update multiple tasks based on task ids. |
POST api/Task/Copy |
Copy multiple tasks to a sub project. |
POST api/Task/applicableOwners |
Get applicable owners of a task |
GET api/Task/allLinks?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get linked issues of a development issue or a management issue |
POST api/Task/applicableStatus |
Get applicable status of a task |
POST api/Task/TaskBoardsByPlanDate |
Get task board data grouped by owner |
POST api/Task/MonthlyTaskCount |
Get monthly task count |
POST api/Task/Get |
Get a task info based on task id |
POST api/Task/Query |
Get Tasks base on query condition. |
POST api/Task/GroupedTaskListByOwner |
Get Tasks base on query condition, and returned tasks are grouped by owner. |
POST api/Task/StoryboardTaskList |
Get Task list for story board based on query condition. |
POST api/Task/GroupedStoryboardTaskListByOwner |
Get Task list for story board based on query condition, and returned story board is grouped by owner. |
POST api/Task/GetTaskListSummary |
Get Task list summary based on query condition. |
POST api/Task/GetGroupedTaskListSummaryByOwner |
Get Task list summary group by current owner based on query condition. |
POST api/Task/Create |
Create a task. |
POST api/Task/Update |
Edit a task based on binder.ProjectId and binder.TaskId, |
API | Description |
GET api/AccessibleOwners?projectId={projectId} |
Get accessible members for current user based on project id |
GET api/ProjectMembers?projectId={projectId} |
Get all project members based on project id |
POST api/ProjectMembers/EditOrAdd?projectId={projectId} |
Bulk Add/Edit Users to Project Base |
GET api/TeamMember/GetApplicableWorkingModules?projectId={projectId}&memberId={memberId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/TeamMember/SaveApplicableWorkingModules |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/P1UserPreference/preferences |
Get P1 user settings |
POST api/P1UserPreference/save |
Save P1 User settings |
API | Description |
GET api/PeriodScore/list?projectId={projectId}&jobIssueId={jobIssueId}&ownerId={ownerId} |
Get score list based on job performance issue id |
GET api/PeriodScore/get?projectId={projectId}&scoreId={scoreId} |
Get a period score based on score item id |
POST api/PeriodScore/add |
Add a score object into sprint. |
POST api/PeriodScore/edit |
Update a score object. |
GET api/PeriodScore/delete?projectId={projectId}&jobIssueId={jobIssueId}&scoreItemId={scoreItemId} |
Delete a score object. |
POST api/PeriodScore/relatedSprints |
Get a person's related sprints based on a range of date. |
POST api/PeriodScore/relatedSprintScores |
Get a person's related sprints based on a range of date. |
POST api/PeriodScore/AverageScore?projectId={projectId}&jobIssueId={jobIssueId}&ownerId={ownerId} |
Get average score based on job performance issue id and score owner id |
API | Description |
POST api/Import/AddTxtFile |
Add a txt file to do import user |
POST api/Import/TestAddFile |
test , do not use |
POST api/Import/SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
GET api/Import/GetImportFileProcessInfoByFileID?fileID={fileID} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
GET api/Import/StartImportFileByFileID?fileID={fileID} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
GET api/Import/StopImportFileByFileID?fileID={fileID} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
GET api/Import/DeleteImportFileByFileID?fileID={fileID} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
POST api/Import/SetImpFileFieldMapByFileID?fileID={fileID} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
POST api/Import/SetImpFileOptionFileID?fileID={fileID}&OverWriteIfSameLoginOrMail={OverWriteIfSameLoginOrMail}&LogFailOrSkip={LogFailOrSkip} |
SetImpFileFormatByFileID |
API | Description |
POST api/employee/UpdateCurrentStatus |
Update employee's status (e.g online, offline) |
POST api/employee/currentStatus |
Get employee's status(e.g online, offline) |
POST api/employee/timeSpent |
Get employee's time spent of a specified date |
POST api/employee/detailedSummary |
Get employee's dading summary for a period of time |
POST api/employee/dailySummary |
Get employee's daily dading summary for a period of time |
File attachment operation.
API | Description |
POST api/fileAttachment/add |
Add a file attachment to a issue |
POST api/fileAttachment/downloadTesting |
Test devspec downloading |
API | Description |
POST api/clock/clockOn?personId={personId} |
Save the time when a person clocked on |
POST api/clock/clockOff?personId={personId} |
Save the time when a person clocked off |
POST api/clock/ResetLeaveTime |
Reset leave time |
POST api/clock/ResetArriveTime |
Reset arrive time |
POST api/clock/info |
return a clock info based on a person id and a date |
POST api/clock/save |
Save clock info of one person and one day |
POST api/clock/groupedClocksByPerson |
Group clocks by person |
POST api/clock/currentStatusOfEmployees |
Get employee's status(e.g online, offline) |
API | Description |
POST api/SubProject/GetTree |
Get the SubProject and its child SubProjects based on SubProject ID |
POST api/SubProject/GetMultilevelTree |
According to an user setting, Get the SubProject tree. |
POST api/SubProject/GetTaskBoardFolderTree |
Get project task board folder tree in a management space |
POST api/SubProject/LinkedSpaces |
Get the linked ALM Spaces based on a Space ID |
POST api/SubProject |
Get a SubProject info based on SubProject ID |
POST api/SubProject/Path |
Get a SubProject's full path based on SubProject ID |
POST api/SubProject/Create |
Create a SubProject |
POST api/SubProject/Update |
Update a SubProject |
POST api/SubProject/Delete |
Delete a subproject and its child subprojects |
POST api/SubProject/SprintDate |
Get sprint subproject's plan start date and plan finish date based on subproject id |
POST api/SubProject/Sprints |
Get sprints of a space. |
POST api/SubProject/TitleExists |
Indicate if there is a child subproject with the specified name. |
POST api/SubProject/Move |
Move a subproject to a special position |
POST api/SubProject/applicableSubProjectTypes |
Get all applicable subproject types of a specified subproject. |
POST api/SubProject/applicableSubProjectStatuses |
Get all applicable subproject statuses of a specified subproject. |
GET api/SubProject/SprintsInProcess?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get all the sprint folders which are in process today based on a specified space |
POST api/SubProject/initialization |
Get the initialization of new subproject |
POST api/SubProject/saveMembers |
Save subproject members |
API | Description |
POST api/taskLink/Add |
Add links |
POST api/taskLink/Delete |
Delete links |
POST api/taskLink/DeleteDTK2DTTLinksByTestIssue |
Delete DTK2DTT Links by Test Issue Ids |
Everything about Work Objective
API | Description |
GET api/Story/Get?projectId={projectId}&storyId={storyId} |
Get story info based on story item id |
POST api/Story/BatchGet |
Batch get story info based on story item id |
POST api/Story/List |
List stories based on a subproject id |
POST api/Story/ListBySpec |
List stories based on a spec item |
POST api/Story/StoryCountBySpec |
Get story counts based on spec item |
POST api/Story/Update |
Update a story based on story item id. |
GET api/Story/Delete?projectId={projectId}&storyId={storyId} |
Delete a story based on story item id |
POST api/Story/CreateStandaloneStory |
Create a standalone story |
POST api/Story/ChangeLinkedRequirement |
Make a standalone story(does not link a requirement issue) to be linked with a requirement issue, and move the story's attachment to the requirement issue. |
GET api/Story/applicableStoryStatuses?projectId={projectId} |
Get all applicable story statuses . |
API | Description |
GET api/ProjectRequest/IfSupportForCreatingProject?projectId={projectId}&issueId={issueId} |
Indicate whether the issue supports for creating project or not. |
Everything about Personal Work Template
API | Description |
GET api/PersonalWorkTemplate/Get?projectId={projectId}&templateId={templateId} |
Get a personal work template info. |
POST api/PersonalWorkTemplate/Create |
Create personal work templates by copying standard work templates |
POST api/PersonalWorkTemplate/Update |
Update a personal work template by work template id |
POST api/PersonalWorkTemplate/Delete?projectId={projectId}&templateId={templateId} |
Delete a Personal work template by work template id |
POST api/PersonalWorkTemplate/Query |
Query personal work template list |
API | Description |
GET api/P1HomeReports/MonthlyTeamScoreReport?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/P1HomeReports/TeamScoreReport?projectBaseFamilyId={projectBaseFamilyId} |
No documentation available. |
A sprint score describes a member's score in a sprint.
API | Description |
GET api/SprintScore/list?projectId={projectId}&sprintId={sprintId} |
Get score list based on sprint id |
GET api/SprintScore/get?projectId={projectId}&scoreId={scoreId} |
Get a sprint score based on score item id |
POST api/SprintScore/add |
Add a score object into sprint. |
POST api/SprintScore/edit |
Update a score object. |
GET api/SprintScore/delete?projectId={projectId}&scoreItemId={scoreItemId} |
Delete a score object. |
Everything about user preference
API | Description |
POST api/UserPreference/Preferences |
Get a specified user's preference values base on preference ids |
POST api/UserPreference/Save |
Save a specified user's reference value based on reference id. |
POST api/UserPreference/BatchSave |
Batch Save multiple user reference values. |
POST api/UserPreference/ApplyToOthers |
Apply a user preference setting to others |
GET api/UserPreference/ListviewSetting?projectId={projectId}&option={option} |
Get columns of listview based on projectid |
POST api/UserPreference/SaveListviewSetting |
Save columns of listview |
GET api/UserPreference/Get?projectId={projectId}&prefId={prefId} |
Get current user's preference value base on reference id |
API | Description |
GET api/Budget/GetCostGroup |
Get member group for budget |
GET api/Budget/GetCategoryTree?projectId={projectId} |
Get Budget Category tree |
POST api/Budget/CreateCategory |
Create new category under cost group |
GET api/Budget/GetBudgeProject?ppmProjectID={ppmProjectID} |
Get Budget ProjectID |
POST api/Budget/SaveCostSheet |
Save a direct cost |
Query definition
API | Description |
GET api/P1QueryDefinition/ApplicableColumns?projectId={projectId} |
all searchable columns |
GET api/P1QueryDefinition/Get?projectId={projectId}&queryId={queryId} |
Get a query definition info based on query id |
GET api/P1QueryDefinition/List?projectId={projectId} |
Get saved query list |
POST api/P1QueryDefinition/Save |
Save query definition |
POST api/P1QueryDefinition/GetQueriesByName |
Get saved query list based on name |
POST api/P1QueryDefinition/Rename |
Rename a specified query |
POST api/P1QueryDefinition/Delete?projectId={projectId}&queryId={queryId} |
Delete a specified query |
Everything about Team Hierarchy
API | Description |
GET api/TeamHierarchy/Get?FID={FID} |
Get a Team Hierarchy based on name. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/Add |
Add a Team Hierarchy. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/Edit |
Edit a Team Hierarchy based on Team Hierarchy FID. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/EditOrAdd |
if Team Hierarchy FID exists then edit the Team Hierarchy info, or create a new Team Hierarchy. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/Delete?FID={FID} |
Delete a Team Hierarchy based on Team Hierarchy FID. |
GET api/TeamHierarchy/GetUsers?FID={FID} |
Get users belong to a Team Hierarchy. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/AddUsers?FID={FID} |
Add users to a Team Hierarchy. |
POST api/TeamHierarchy/RemoveUsers?FID={FID} |
Remove users from a Team Hierarchy. |
API | Description |
GET api/Planning/Options?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Planning/Data?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId}&roadmapMode={roadmapMode} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/WorkData |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Item |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Item/ChangeTime |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Item/Move |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Item/GetDependencies |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Item/DeleteDependencies |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Dependency/Check |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Dependency/Create |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Dependency/Update |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Dependency/Delete |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Planning/Preference/ExpandFolder |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/System/authenticationSetting |
Get authenticatin setting. |
POST api/System/ImportUserFromLDAP |
Import user from LDAP Server based on user name |
GET api/System/ResetProject?projectId={projectId} |
Reset DevTrack Project based on project id. |
GET api/System/warmUp?ids={ids} |
Warm up projects. |
POST api/System/BatchCall |
No documentation available. |
Everything about User info
API | Description |
GET api/workQualityTracking/workQualityTrackings?projectBaseId={projectBaseId}&taskId={taskId} |
get work quality tracking based on a task |
POST api/workQualityTracking/saveWorkQualityTracking |
save work quality tracking based on a task |
API | Description |
GET api/specPoints/estimatedPoints?projectId={projectId}&specId={specId} |
get estimated points based on a spec item |
POST api/specPoints/saveEstPoints |
save estimated points based on a spec item |
POST api/specPoints/removeEstPoints |
delete estimated points based on a spec item |
GET api/specPoints/actualPoints?projectId={projectId}&specId={specId} |
get estimated points based on a spec item |
Something about new concept named "Project one".
API | Description |
GET api/projectone/GroupedApplicableProjectBaseByModule?projectId={projectId} |
This api is not recommended, it will be removed soon, please use api/projectone/ApplicableProjectBases. Get all applicable project base grouped by module (e.g Knowledge, Requirement, Development , Management, TestRun, TestLiberary module) based on a development project base id or a management project base id |
GET api/projectone/ApplicableProjectBases?projectId={projectId} |
Get all applicable project bases (e.g Knowledge, Requirement, Development , Management, TestRun, TestLiberary module) based on a management project base id |
POST api/projectone/projectMembers |
Get all members based on every project base id listed in binder |
POST api/projectone/applicableSpaces |
Get management or development spaces based on a projectBase Id |
POST api/projectone/createP1Project |
Create project with various modules (e.g Management, Development, Requirement, Knowledge, Test Run, Test Liberary, Defect module) |
POST api/projectone/applicableMembers |
Get applicable members based on projectBase ids |
POST api/projectone/applicableAccountTypes |
Get all applicable account types grouped by module (e.g Knowledge, Requirement, Development , Management, TestRun, TestLiberary module) |
POST api/projectone/memberAccountType |
Get a person's account types in vairous modules(e.g Management, Development, Requirement, Knowledge, Test Run, Test Liberary, Defect module) |
GET api/projectone/P1Members?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get project members in a P1 project (include Management, Development, Requirement, Knowledge, Test Run, Test Liberary and Defect module) |
POST api/projectone/UpdateP1Member |
Add a person to a P1 Project if he is not member of the P1 project, and update the person's account type in vairous modules(e.g Management, Development, Requirement, Knowledge, Test Run, Test Liberary and Defect module) |
POST api/projectone/addP1Members |
Batch add persons to a P1 Project |
POST api/projectone/DeleteP1Member |
Remove a person from a P1 Project. |
GET api/projectone/P1ProjectInfo?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get P1 project overview based on a management space or a development space |
GET api/projectone/P1Modules?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get P1 Project modules based on a mangagement space or a development space |
POST api/projectone/UpdateP1Modules |
Update a P1 Project's modules based on a management space or a development space |
GET api/projectone/P1Milestones?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
List p1 project's milestone info. |
GET api/projectone/P1ProjectBaseFamilies |
Get all accessable Project base families |
POST api/projectone/P1Projects |
Get all p1 projects in a ProjectBase Family based on query option |
POST api/projectone/GroupedP1ProjectsByHierarchy |
Group p1 projects in a ProjectBase Family based on query option by Project Hierarchy |
POST api/projectone/P1ProjectsEx |
Get all p1 projects in a ProjectBase Family based on query option |
GET api/projectone/standaloneSpaces?projectId={projectId} |
Get all standalone spaces based on project base id |
GET api/projectone/referencableSpaces?projectId={projectId} |
Get all referencable spaces based on project id |
GET api/projectone/groupedStandaloneSpaceCount |
Get standalone spaces count per project base. |
POST api/projectone/import |
Import standalone space. |
GET api/projectone/archive?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Archive a p1 project based on a management space |
GET api/projectone/active?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Active an archived p1 project based on a management space |
GET api/projectone/delete?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Delete a p1 project based on a management space |
DELETE api/projectone/delete?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Delete a p1 project based on a management space |
GET api/projectone/P1ProjectOptions?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get a p1 project's feature options. |
POST api/projectone/P1ProjectOptions2?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get a p1 project's feature options. |
POST api/projectone/UpdateProjectOptions |
Save a p1 project's feature options. |
POST api/projectone/UpdateProjectOptions2 |
Save a p1 project's feature options. |
GET api/projectone/P1Project?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get P1 Project modules and Project Settings based on a mangagement space or a development space |
POST api/projectone/P1Project2?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get P1 Project modules and Project Settings based on a mangagement space or a development space |
GET api/projectone/P1FamilyProjects?projectId={projectId} |
Get all ALM ProjectBases in a family |
GET api/projectone/P1ProjectOverview?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get P1 project overview |
POST api/projectone/UpdateP1ProjectOverview |
Update a p1 project's overview |
POST api/projectone/P1ProjectMultilingualLabels |
Get a multilingual label of a P1 Project by label id |
POST api/projectone/P1ProjectMultilingualLabels2 |
Batch get multilingual label of a P1 Project |
POST api/projectone/SaveP1ProjectMultilingualLabels |
save multilingual label |
POST api/projectone/P1ProjectIdentifierExists |
Indicate whether the identifier exists or not. |
API | Description |
GET api/Languages?projectId={projectId} |
Get applicable languages |
API | Description |
GET api/Invitations?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get user invitations for a given subproject/project family |
GET api/Invitations/Invited?invitation={invitation} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Invitations |
Add user invitations for a subproject/family |
POST api/UpdateInvitation |
Update user invitation for a subproject/family |
DELETE api/Invitations?key={key}&projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Remove an invitation for a user to a subproject |
Session ID used in DevSuite web and DevTest web
API | Description |
GET api/DevSuiteSession |
DevSuite web session id |
GET api/DevTestSession |
DevTest web session id |
POST api/EndSession?sessionId={sessionId} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/License |
No documentation available. |
POST api/License |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/integration/settings |
Get integration settings. |
GET api/enableIntegrationWithPeertime?newAppKeyRequired={newAppKeyRequired} |
Enable integration with Peertime. |
GET api/disableIntegrationWithPeertime |
Disable integration with Peertime. |
GET api/integration/auth?appKey={appKey} |
Validate the integratin app key. |
POST api/integration/SaveIntegrationInfoWithPeertime |
Save the infomations of integration with peertime |
GET api/integration/IntegrationInfoWithPeertime |
Get the infomations of integration with peertime. |
Everythings about Standard work template .
API | Description |
GET api/StandardWorkTemplate/Get?projectId={projectId}&templateId={templateId} |
Get a standard work template info. |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/Create |
Create a standard work template |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/Update |
Update a standard work template by work template id |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/Delete?projectId={projectId}&templateId={templateId} |
Delete a standard work template by work template id |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/ListByAccountType |
Get standard work template list based on an account type |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/List |
Get template list based on project base |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/addTemplatesToAccountType |
add the templates to account type |
POST api/StandardWorkTemplate/removeTemplatesFromAccountType |
remove the templates from account type |
Every things about user privilege
API | Description |
GET api/userPrivilege/get?projectId={projectId} |
Get user privilege based on privilege id |
GET api/userPrivilege/TaskPermissions?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get current user's permissions to task |
GET api/userPrivilege/SubProjectPermissions?projectId={projectId}&subProjectId={subProjectId} |
Get current user's permissions to subproject |
API | Description |
GET api/timeTracking?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get detail info about a task's time tracking |
POST api/timeTracking/GetTimeSpentHistoryItem |
Get a time spent history entry based on history item id |
POST api/timeTracking/AddTimeSpentItem |
If support multiple time entries or support multiple time entries with category and cost, the method will add a time spent entry, else return an error. |
POST api/timeTracking/UpdateTimeSpentHistoryItem |
Update a Time spent History item based on history item id, |
POST api/timeTracking/DeleteTimeSpentHistoryItem |
Delete a Time Spent history item based on history item id |
POST api/timeTracking/UpdateTimeSpent |
If support single tiem entry per task, the method will update task's time spent property only, else return an error. |
POST api/timeTracking/TimeCagetories?projectId={projectId} |
Get time categories based on project id. |
API | Description |
POST api/storyboard/listByStatus |
Get story board which is listed by Progress Status based on query condition. |
POST api/storyboard/listByStatus2 |
Get story board which is listed by Progress Status based on query condition, and returned story board is grouped by owner. |
POST api/storyboard/listByPlanEndDate |
Get story board list by plan end date based on query condition. |
POST api/storyboard/listByPlanStartDate |
Get story board list by plan start date based on query condition. |
POST api/storyboard/moveTasks |
Move tasks to a cell in Story board, update the moved tasks with the cell's value and reorder tasks in the cell |
Everything about Methodology Support of one Project
API | Description |
GET api/Methodology/ImplementationModuleTemplates |
Get implementation module templates |
POST api/Methodology/AddOrEditImplementationModuleTemplate |
Save implementation module template |
POST api/Methodology/deleteImplementationModuleTemplate?moduleId={moduleId} |
Delete implementation module template based on module id |
GET api/Methodology/ImplementationModules?projectId={projectId} |
Get Implementation modules base on project id |
POST api/Methodology/AddImplementationModule?projectId={projectId}&moduleId={moduleId} |
Save implementation Module |
POST api/Methodology/DeleteImplementationModules?projectId={projectId}&moduleId={moduleId} |
Delete implementationModule |
Everything about Task list.
API | Description |
POST api/tasklist/query |
Get Tasks base on query condition. |
POST api/tasklist/groupByOwner |
Get Tasks base on query condition, and returned tasks are grouped by owner. |
POST api/tasklist/summary |
Get Task list summary based on query condition. |
POST api/tasklist/groupedSummaryByOwner |
Get Task list summary group by current owner based on query condition. |
API | Description |
GET api/Workflow/GetOptions?projectId={projectId}&projectType={projectType} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Workflow/GetList?projectId={projectId}&projectType={projectType} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Workflow/GetStates?projectId={projectId}&projectType={projectType} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Workflow/SetState |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Workflow/GetDetail?projectId={projectId}&projectType={projectType}&workflowId={workflowId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Workflow/SetDetail |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Workflow/Create |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Workflow/CopySubWorkflow |
Copy a sub workflow to a project |
API | Description |
POST api/Note |
Get a note based on task id and note id |
GET api/Notes?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get note list of a task based on task id |
POST api/Note/Delete |
Delete notes based on note id or task id |
POST api/Note/Add |
Add a note to a existed task. |
POST api/Note/Update |
Update an existing note . |
Everything about Links of Standalone devtrack space
API | Description |
GET api/SpaceLinks/Get?projectId={projectId}&spaceId={spaceId} |
Get linked spaces of a devtrack space |
API | Description |
GET api/P1ProjectSetting/Get?p1ProjectBaseId={p1ProjectBaseId}&p1SpaceId={p1SpaceId}&settingId={settingId} |
Get p1 project setting by setting id |
POST api/P1ProjectSetting/BatchGet |
Batch get p1 project settings by setting id |
POST api/P1ProjectSetting/Save |
Save p1 project settings |
API | Description |
GET api/taskHistory/ownerAndStatusChanges?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get task's Owner and Status change history based on task id |
Something about task detail pages gui
API | Description |
GET api/GUI/DefaultListviewSetting?projectId={projectId}&UIOption={UIOption} |
Get listview setting of project base |
POST api/GUI/SubmissionPages |
Get all fields which should be displayed on the submission pages |
POST api/GUI/EditingPages |
Get all fields that should be displayed on the editing pages |
POST api/GUI/GroupEditingPages |
Get all pages and fields for group editing |
POST api/GUI/H5AppSubmissionPage |
Get all fields that should be displayed on the task info page of H5 App. |
POST api/GUI/H5AppEditingPage |
Get all fields which should be displayed on the task info page of H5 App. |
GET api/GUI/applicableEditingPages?projectId={projectId} |
Get applicable task editing pages |
GET api/GUI/AppGuiSetting?projectId={projectId}&issueTypeId={issueTypeId} |
Get gui setting in H5 App based on issue type |
GET api/GUI/AllAppGuiSettings?projectId={projectId} |
Get all gui settings in H5 App |
GET api/GUI/GuiOptions?projectId={projectId} |
Get GUI options |
API | Description |
GET api/p1sse/get |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/Event/Delete |
Delete event based on event id or task id |
GET api/Events?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId} |
Get the events of a task based on task id |
GET api/Event?projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId}&eventId={eventId} |
Get a event of a task based on event id |
POST api/Event/Add |
Add a event to a task |
POST api/Event/Update |
Update an existing event |
Everything about work objective type
API | Description |
GET api/workObjectiveType/list?projectId={projectId} |
Get work objective types based on project id |
POST api/workObjectiveType/create |
New a work objective type |
POST api/workObjectiveType/edit |
Edit a work objective type |
POST api/workObjectiveType/delete?projectId={projectId}&id={id} |
Delete a work objective type |
Something of PPM Project.
API | Description |
GET api/PPMProjectTypes?projectId={projectId} |
Get ppm space types based on a PPM project id |
GET api/PPM/PSTypes?projectId={projectId} |
Get ppm space types based on a PPM project id |
GET api/PPM/PSMilestones?projectId={projectId}&PSTypeId={PSTypeId} |
Get ppm space milestones based on ppm space type id |
GET api/PPM/PSStatusList?projectId={projectId}&PSTypeId={PSTypeId} |
Get ppm space status list based on PPM |
API | Description |
POST api/dading/personDadings |
Get a person' dings |
POST api/dading/activeDadings |
Get multiple person's active Dadings |
POST api/dading/employeeTodayDadings |
Get multiple person's Dadings today |
GET api/dading/todayDadings?projectBaseId={projectBaseId}&personId={personId} |
Get one person's active Dadings and closed Dadings on today. |
POST api/dading/dadingsOfOneDay |
Get one person's dadings on the specified day |
POST api/dading/createOrEdit |
Create a dading or edit an existing dading. |
POST api/dading/close |
Close the specified Dadings |
POST api/dading/delete |
Close the specified Dadings |
POST api/dading/detailedSummary |
Get employee's dading summary for a period of time |
POST api/dading/dailySummary |
Get employee's daily dading summary for a period of time |
API | Description |
GET api/ApplicableWorkingModule/GetModulesByMember?projectId={projectId}&personId={personId} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/GetFieldValueInfo/GetPagesByProjectID |
No documentation available. |
POST api/GetFieldValueInfo/GetPageFieldValueInfo |
No documentation available. |
POST api/GetFieldValueInfo/GetOnePageFieldValueInfo |
No documentation available. |
Only one function for CRM
API | Description |
GET api/CRM/GetTotalAmount?contractCode={contractCode} |
Get total amount based on Contract Code |